17 December 2011.. The time is 2.05am.. just arrived from KLIA.. ha, usually by this time, mmg xd mood nk bkk pc, agak keletihan gak lah, but after a week yg sgt menarik, terpanggil ag sekali utk bkk laptop n bwat garapan baru.. Yea, went to Bali n Jakarta.. It was a pleasant holiday.. Cuti2 Indonesia kali ni.. Smntara blum nk tido ni, rjin2 lah menaip.. so, here we go :-)
Hari sbtu yg lps, 10 december, flight aku ke jakrta was by 5pm.. Naik royal dutch airlines, lbh kurg MAS je, cume MAS lbh baik lh in the sense of layanan, makanan n everything.. Flight attendance royal dutch plak mat salleh yg kbnyknnye dh tua.. haha, xpelah, aslkn dorg were very friendly.. Flight entertainment? bgus.. bisa aja aku tgk glee n how i met ur mother smpai hbs.. hehe.. Aku xtrus ke Bali, transit dlu kat jkrta.. That was my 2nd time to jkrta..
Nothing much has changed.. Macet nya, masyaAllah, 5kn pny jarak pun leh jd 1 jam.. tension tol.. Airport plak leak sne, leak sni, mmg prlu dibaiki.. nk tmpung thousands of ppl, seriously, sumthis has to be done.. Smpai je jkrta, my uncle rent a car with a driver to drive us here n there.. 1st, we went to a restaurant called MBAH Jinkrak (dlm melayu, mksd die, nenek yg gile, haha).. sume kat sane sgt pelik.. jam die pusing terbalik, menu die pelik (contoh: es kuntilanak, smbal iblis) n toilet die plk really make ppl confuse.. Pria lelaki, n wanita.. wanita lh kn.. huhu.. tp toilet die mcm klu laki, we hav to go to BUKAN WANITA.. n wanita shuld go to BKN PRIA.. haha.. phm kn? xphm pun bwat2 lh phm.. huhu.. Pas mkn, we went to my uncle's house @ bellagio apartment, mega kuningan.. sgt cntik kowt, bwh die mall, n then view die almost all buildings in jkrta.. Marriot and Ritz Carlton are right in front of the building.. serious, lawa sgt..

The next day, flight aku ke Bali pkul 10 pagi wktu jkrta (11 malaysia).. smpai bali, driver yg pakcik aku booked tggu kiteorg kat airport bali.. it was supposed to be just a mini van, tp sbb ape nth, kiteorg dpt bus.. only for 12 of us je.. haha, puas hati kn? mula2 die bwk g check in hotel (it was a condotel) called sunset residence..

after check in letak brg sume, kite start tour.. to tell one by one by order, seriously, i cant remember, so i shall write
whatever that cross my mind ok? antara yg kiteorg prgi on 1st day was ULUWATU..

kat situ ad temple yg sgt besr.. owh yea, bali bnyk hindu buddha, so temple bnyk lah.. tempat die sgt lawa, sbb die sblh laut.. tebing die mcm cite twilight tuh.. sgt2 lawa, laut plak leh nmpk dsar, mmg indah ciptaan Allah.. however, xdpt nk nikmati pemndgn sgt sbb monkeys were everywhere.. n they were really, really bad.. specs org diambil n dipatahkan.. my slippers pun jd target! klu aku xpkai satu hal, ni tgh jln ni, and one of them came to me n try to steal my slippers away.. luckily there was a man, holding a stick prgi ketuk monyet tuh.. huhu.. Camera org dicube utk rmpas nya.. haha.. pas cube lari2 from monyet2 tuh, kiteorg g tgk kecak dance.. tarian kebudayaan org bali.. sgt best.. psl epik ramayana, if xsilap, mse sejarah f4 dlu ad cite ckit.. tarian die mengingatkn aku pada *cap kali cap kali cap cap cap* yg kiteorg bljr during orientation kat intec dlu.. huhu.. nnt try tgk kat my fb, ill try to upload.. (coming soon...) Malam kiteorg mkn btol2 tepi laut.. kat pantai.. sgt best.. pastu dtg org dtg main gitar.. hehe.. it was very calm.. tenang je mkn, mknn die pun sdap.. after mkn, pulg lh ke hotel, maka berakhirlah hari prtama di bali :-)

2nd day.. awal2 pagi kiteorg prgi ke tanjung benoa, klu xsilap lah nama die.. ni tourist attraction.. laut yg sgt bnyk activity.. nk bwat sume mmg mahal lh.. so, mula2, kiteorg prgi ke tempat penyu.. daripada yg kecil, smpai penyu yg bsr, sume ad.. n yea, i managed to hold a turtle yg umurnya dh 70 tahun.. so heavy ok..

then ad lah binatang2 lain kat situ.. snakes, eagle, lizard, bat, pgglah seekor2.. haha, mcm kat zoo plak.. then, my uncle asked me whether nk try parasailing.. of coz lh nk kn.. so cube lah.. Ya Allah, awal2 gayat lah, iyelah, naik parachute, mcm nk jtuh je trgantung2 kat ats, smbil kene tarik ngan boat kat bwh.. die bwk round a few minutes.. from top, leh nmpk laut kat bwh yg sgt jernih, n u can see dasar laut which is very awesome! gayat tu hilg lps tgk agungnya kuasa Allah.. n rse sgt skjap plak parasailing tu, tp it was a very nice experiences.. pas hbs jln kat tanjung benoa, kiteorg ke tanah lot.. ad temple jgk, cume this time, view die lagi lawa, undescribable..
huhu.. klu nk tau, my profile pic kat fb tu kat tanah lot lah.. tgk sunset, subhanallah.. xterkata lah :-)

3rd day.. my mom's fav day.. almost the whole day shopping lah kn.. tp serious, brg kat bali sgt murh.. thats why my mom spent her money a lot kat bali.. huhu.. pas hbs shopping, kiteorg ke KINTAMANI.. kat sni ad gunung berapi yg dh xaktif lh, but the view, again.. haha.. bkn lah nk kat pe, tp Bali mmg a very nice place.. utk sape2 yg minat ngan landscape ke, nk hayati pmndgn, Bali suits u a lot.. kat kintamani, kiteorg mkn kat lereng bukit, where we can see the whole gunung berapi.. tourists bnyk kat sni.. hbs je mkn, aku try lh walked around the place, n suddenly a few metres from where we ate, ad ladang binatang yg xleh disebut (u know who, haha).. gemuk2 sume, tergelak aku, ad pic aku snapped..

nk view, leh view kat fb.. hbs je jln kat kintamani, kiteorg back ke selatan bali blk, but stop kat Bangli tgk tmpt org proses kopi.. kopi yg famous kat indonesia, like most of the ppl know, mstilah kopi luwak.. org kate kopi nye lebih creamy, aku rse mcm same je.. haha.. nth, but kopi luwak sgt mahal.. yg bestnye, dorg ad tnm tmbakau juga.. n since die bg tembakau tu free, with my parents permission, i tried, FOR THE 1ST TIME IN MY LIFE, mcm mne rse tembakau itu.. haha.. mgkn yg ini fresh kn, so rse die mcm manis2 ckit.. yg best, batuk aku stgh jam pastu bru brhnti.. haha.. tulah 1st n last, just for the sake of experience.. :-)

continuing my journey, we stopped at UBUD plak.. ni mmg town utk shopping jgk lah.. my mom mmg suke giler tempat ni, same goes to my aunt.. hehe.. smntara tggu dorg shop, i went to eat ice cream @ gelato.. duk sorg mat saleh sblh aku, mula2 diam je.. pas die dgr aku speaking with my cousins, die tny aku where do I come from.. aku ckp aku from KL.. die kate, die just nk tau sbb how come aku ngan cousins aku can speak english well, compared to locals yg kbnyknnya xtau english.. then aku borak ngan die.. he is from germany.. my aunt kbetulan ad skali time tuh, n since my aunt tau bhasa german, so dorg borak.. die terkejut mula2, sbb melayu leh tau german.. haha.. die cite psl life die, best giler, perantauan rupenye.. staying in bali until march 2012.. just to get to know the world.. terfkir jgk nk jd mcm tu sbnrnye :-) mlm tu, aku ke KUTA, nk tgk mcm mne nite life bali.. Owh yea, klu dlu kish bom bali tu, kat Kuta lh, die ad mcm memorial utk org2 yg terkorban mse bom aritu.. but kn, nite life die mmg havoc giler, kalah BB.. haha.. xnk lah cite sgt psl KUTA ni, tp serious, sgt dhsyat nite life kat KUTA.. huhu..

hbs sudh journey aku di Bali.. so aku stay kat bali 4 hari 3 mlm.. nk garap satu per satu mmg payah, sbb bnyk sgt yg aku prgi kat Bali.. but these are the interesting places n moments yg aku leh share.. after bali, aku pulg ke jkrta semula.. nothing much to tell.. just shopping je bnyk.. nk g mne pun payah, macet (jam) die, Ya Allah, teruk giler.. aku sempat lah prgi Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia, tmpt2 ni best, tp brg2 die agak mahal.. brand mcm zara, topman, pull n bear, esprit bnyk lh kat sni.. be4 hbskn garapan kali ni, nk citer jugk sumthin.. indonesia sgt open compared to malaysia.. 1, mse dlm taxi ke bandara (airport), org taxi tu terkejut bile my dad n me story psl malaysia.. die kate malaysia pny agama kuat brbnding indonesia..
khwin cmpur agama bleh, korupsi sume.. terlahir plak rse bgga jd malaysians.. hehe.. 2nd, haha, ni xleh tahan, bnyk sgt ukiran, lukisan yg bercorak 18++.. nk tergelak aku, ke mana2 pun ad.. even keychain pun ad dibwatnye bnda xsenonoh.. (MUSHROOM!! - yg phm, phm lah ye, haha).. apa2 pun, i enjoyed my self a lot.. klu ad peluang, insyaAllah, leh ke bali lagi, klu bleh, ngan kwn2 plak.. :-) leh tgk keagungan kuasa Allah yg tiada tandingannya.. ok, so long for now, lain kali update lagi.. nk tgk gmbr, insyaAllah, xlama lagi, adalah kat fb.. hehe.. aite, jam pun dh kul 4 pagi.. tidur dlu ye.. Assalamualaikum.. salam coretan.. :-)

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