Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sahabat terbaik :-)
Surat dari Syaitan
Friday, December 16, 2011
What a week :-)




2nd day.. awal2 pagi kiteorg prgi ke tanjung benoa, klu xsilap lah nama die.. ni tourist attraction.. laut yg sgt bnyk activity.. nk bwat sume mmg mahal lh.. so, mula2, kiteorg prgi ke tempat penyu.. daripada yg kecil, smpai penyu yg bsr, sume ad.. n yea, i managed to hold a turtle yg umurnya dh 70 tahun.. so heavy ok..

then ad lah binatang2 lain kat situ.. snakes, eagle, lizard, bat, pgglah seekor2.. haha, mcm kat zoo plak.. then, my uncle asked me whether nk try parasailing.. of coz lh nk kn.. so cube lah.. Ya Allah, awal2 gayat lah, iyelah, naik parachute, mcm nk jtuh je trgantung2 kat ats, smbil kene tarik ngan boat kat bwh.. die bwk round a few minutes.. from top, leh nmpk laut kat bwh yg sgt jernih, n u can see dasar laut which is very awesome! gayat tu hilg lps tgk agungnya kuasa Allah.. n rse sgt skjap plak parasailing tu, tp it was a very nice experiences.. pas hbs jln kat tanjung benoa, kiteorg ke tanah lot.. ad temple jgk, cume this time, view die lagi lawa, undescribable..




hbs sudh journey aku di Bali.. so aku stay kat bali 4 hari 3 mlm.. nk garap satu per satu mmg payah, sbb bnyk sgt yg aku prgi kat Bali.. but these are the interesting places n moments yg aku leh share.. after bali, aku pulg ke jkrta semula.. nothing much to tell.. just shopping je bnyk.. nk g mne pun payah, macet (jam) die, Ya Allah, teruk giler.. aku sempat lah prgi Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia, tmpt2 ni best, tp brg2 die agak mahal.. brand mcm zara, topman, pull n bear, esprit bnyk lh kat sni.. be4 hbskn garapan kali ni, nk citer jugk sumthin.. indonesia sgt open compared to malaysia.. 1, mse dlm taxi ke bandara (airport), org taxi tu terkejut bile my dad n me story psl malaysia.. die kate malaysia pny agama kuat brbnding indonesia..

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bingkasan 2011
12.45 am, 22 November 2011.. Here I am, in front of the desktop, feeling happy for Malaysia team which just won the gold medal in the sea games.. sbnrnye dh lme plan nk bwat garapan ni, even sblum ni dh ad draft dh pun, tp nth mcm mne, draft tu leh plak terdelete.. its ok then, rewrite jelah, plus excited nk tulis ni, nothing to do cuti2 sem ni.. here we go..
1st of January.. I went to celeb new year @ bb.. seriously, sgt trkjut ngan keadaan kat sne.. heard a few of tourists yg kate “I thought Malaysia is a muslim country..” smpai mcm tu skali.. yelah, bdk2 in the middle of the road, some of them yg drunk, some of them yg half naked, cant imagine yg keadaan seteruk mcm tu.. terkejut sbb mostly melayu, to be more specific, Islam.. mmg some of ppl akn kate I am lame, psl ni pun nk ungkit, but hey, we r still muslims, n there r boundaries that we should take cre of. We r giving bad impression to others sbnrnye.. nk kate menyesal prgi, xde lah, at least I saw what was happening n still happening to our society. Bangga juga sbnrnye when I saw some of the muslims yg still bertugas to make sure that conditions were under control. Badan pencegah maksiat giat melakukan tugasan, ape2 pun, menjadi tugas kite bersama utk make sure that gejala ni dpt diatasi one day, insyaAllah..
2nd semester in INTEC.. still PBSM (persatuan balik setiap minggu) awal2 tu.. biaselh, someone yg dh biase living kat KL and xprnh duk asrama, its hard for me for not to go back every weekend.. haha.. but luckily, my housemates in cendana were so cool.. They were very fun to hang out with.. they thought me the meaning of Islam, the way that we should convey ourselves.. Plus, I learn the meaning of true friendship.. they were there for me when I needed them.. ble dh lme ngan dorg, my life in INTEC was getting better, n last2, tergugur keahlian PBSMku.. stay ngan dorg during weekend, kdg2 xbwat pe pun, main game, borak nth pape, but still, it was very fun.. xlupa jgk when we were still in cendana, me n my housemates love to play pillow fight.. bpe bnyk bantal yg dh hancus, credit to che pah yg snggup korbankn bantal sendiri shingga terkuar sume bulu2 yg ptt.. haha.. tgk muka Ain time pillow fight, dh mcm nk perang dh.. serious cuak.. when I played the game with him, I will stop playing whenever he made the face.. haha.. horrible.. but ain, u were a tough fighter.. haha.. mun pun cuak ngan hang.. owh yea, Mun, someone yg always there for me.. love to talk with him, n die lah yg slalu rebut tilam ngan aku.. xkish pun, sharing is caring, ye idak? Hehe.. to irsyad, ok, sgt kecik ble ckp ngan die, ilmu sma tggi ngan height die tuh.. haha.. just kdg2, sgt klkr ble tgk die, especially time nk kjut pagi.. romantic kowt.. haha.. zakirin, weeeeeeee, xnk ckp bnyk lh, segan.. haha.. :p
1st of May, my birthday.. ok let me recall what happened. I was sitting in front of my laptop, finishing my bio report.. since isyak, I saw my housemate mcm xkeruan, skjap duk blik, skjap kuar blik, n kdg2 duk blik rmai sembang ape nth.. I was preparing myself for fight-or-flight situation sbnrnye.. hehe.. n tetibe, when the clock was closing to 12 am, fawzul came to my room.. senyum2, n he sat besides me.. blum smpat pape, the room was dark n kek msuk.. aww, haha, sgt sweet of my frens.. dorg came in with cakes, dgn lilin sume.. sgt trkjut, n I thought that was the only surprised.. after dh nyanyi2, suddenly apek asked me to go out jap.. xtrfkir pe yg akn jd, so I went out.. n suddenly, aizul n azri came out form blik sblh with 2 baldi air n jirus kat aku.. tersgt lh kejam.. blum sempat aku nk bwat, a few packets of tepung landed on my head.. pnuh satu floor tu ngan tepung.. sian zul, xpsl2 die kene ngan aku.. haha, apek lh bleh sorok dlm toilet, n when I came after him, he ran away until trlnggap sink smpai pecah.. haha.. havoc giler mlm tuh.. blum hbs ag, knon2 lh dorg nk ended up everything n nk kemas all the mess yg dorg dh bwat.. mop pny mop, after that, air mop yg dorg dh perah msuk dlm baldi, dicurahkn on me.. yg best, air2 sedap tu got in my mouth.. argh, rasa dia, pergh, kaw hbs..!! bising giler mlm tu, smpai pak guard naik.. mule2 skem dh warned dh yg pak guard was on his way up, tp sume ingt yg skem was doing another prank.. tp rupe2nye btol.. haha.. bwat dunno jelah kn.. anyway, it was superb cool guys.. I enjoyed myself, seriously, I really did.. thxs to all yg involve.. not to forget, abg nash, ain, madi n azre who came to intec to celeb my birthday as well.. sush2 je masak all the way from KL, serious guys, sgt trharu..
Hbs sem 2.. cpt mse brlalu.. time cuti, we hang out as usual.. some of my frens came over to my house for a few days be4 going back to their hometown.. this is when I got to know Aisar.. a Kelantanese who I never talk to before.. mayb pnh, but just bg salam or just simply about work.. nothing personal or yg sewktu dgnnya.. he came to my house, n he chose me to be his subordinate (haha, lme xgne prkataan ni) for orientasi short course.. yea, he was the leader n I was his penolong.. orientasi utk short course sgt mncbr.. we r not given any latihan or what so ever, just bantuan from lecturers yg trlibat, itu pun nsb bek dorg ad.. 1st day of the orientation week agak kelam kabut.. some of them dtg without any documents or files since dorg bru dpt tau psl offer from sponsors msing2.. owh yea, sblum trlupa, nk share lh jgk psl 1 parent ni.. she came to me n asked bout my course. I said I am doing alevel medic n going to pursue my study later in India.. she was shocked by saying, “owh, knp prgi India?” and was asking bout my spm result.. to cut short, she was underestimating me, n other seniors yg akn ke india.. I know india is not as good as US or UK dr segi social life n sbgnye, but hey, sheikh muszafar studied in india n look at him now.. kn? Anyway xkish pun, typical parents, just wish them all d best.
Aisar best.. die sorg kwn yg fun to talk to.. even though he told me he is not a good listener n dislike of hearing ppl stories which r not important, I got along with him well... after orientasi, we got to know each other better.. n coincidently, I was called by HEP to be the fasi for IPROKHAS n aisar pun ad skali.. he sat besides me in the bus, n we talked bout a lot of stuff.. rsenye dlm bus tu, kiteorg dua yg ckp plg bnyk.. hehe.. plus, time tu xknl lagi rakan2 KTJ n ALIS yg lain, biaselah, kite ni junior ALIS lagi time tuh.. hehe.. arrived at Asahan, at 1st I was not in the same room with aisar, pakat pny pakat, we got the same room.. lagi lah kn, haha, mlm2 lmbt tido, pagi2 pas subuh baring balik.. nama je fasi, nsb bek xlmbt sgt g dewan, klu x, haram jaddu.. hehe.. owh yea, we got very close time iprokhas.. time tu bru sedar, owh sbnrnye, aisar is not the one that I thought before.. someone yg hny mix along ngan geng2 die.. he’s cool.. J
MINGGU DESTINI SISWA.. again, I was called to be one of the facilitators.. what so fun about this week was the experience in Azween resort.. Sebelum mds, kiteorg hav to go for kursus dlu, for team building.. There, I met someone yg used to know before, tp xdelah rapat sgt – aiman. N turn out he becomes my roommate now.. haha.. knl die time f4, prefect KL pny gathering kat Sri Garden. Well, I thought he was the head prefect of his school.. he has the charisma, fun to talk to. Mse kat azween, his bed was next to mine.. so mlm mse nk rehat tu kire mcm reunion gak lah, err.. haha.. we talked, got to know each other more.. I talked about my past, n he talked about his. A very good listener.. More to talk about this guy later.. hehe.. Back to MDS, Alhamdulillah, everything went well.. As the leader of this year MDS, I was a bit disappointed when we let Mr Kesh down during the 2nd day, however we manage to handle everything well for the remaining days.. Yg plg xbleh lupa, we planned to prank mr kesh.. This time, involving Cikgu Hassan.. Mr kesh, if u read this, im very sorry.. haha.. idea miss ferry anyway, saya yang menurut perintah.. muke mr kesh yg suspen, cuak tu is still in my head.. haha, cant believe die kene ngan kiteorg mentah2 je.. terbaik lah semua.. everything about mds is so sweet.. I got to know new people, new frens, n the most important is, I got to know the meaning of friendship and togetherness.. J
Hello 3rd semester! Woi, cpt giler tua.. mse berlalu dgn sgt pantas.. Can’t believe dh jd senior in INTEC.. New semester, new college, new roomies.. Aisar, aiman and mad.. 3 of them bleh dikatakan well-known in INTEC.. all of them are JPK, n they are friendly, so xdelah trkejut klu nk kate dorg ni dikenali ramai.. Bilik atas pun sume JPK jgk.. in short, im surrounded by all the JPK.. haha.. during the 1st and 2nd semester, my impression for them were not really good.. yea, they walked only among themselves, they talked among themselves, so rse mcm dorg x bergaul ngan org len.. as for me yg duk kat KL, I was like, “what the heck with these people, duhh?” ha, mcm tu lah.. haha.. asl I sounded like b**ch sgt ni? Never bother.. until now, my ego sgt tggi.. those who knows me tau lh kn how shazwan sazali really am... xkn tgur org klu org xtgur.. it is not a good behavior, I know, changing2! InsyaAllah becoming someone better nanti.. thxs to ICODE, I started to know them one by one, and turn out, they are like what have been thought.. ok lah, giler2, u know, jenis mcm tu, I like being with them, even though I am not JPK and its sound so weird when they call me JPK+1, as if that “1” is referring me.. huhu.. back to the story.. ble sebilik ngan dorg, ade 1 feeling yg bwat aku rse sgt sush nk mix in.. yea, dorg sume dh lme knl, bonding between them sgt giler kuat babeng.. sometimes they talked thing which I know nothing about.. blur ayam jap.. nthen, kdg2 ble ckp ngan dorg rse mcm xmsuk. Xtau knp.. so I tried to blend in.. mcm2 bnda pelik aku bwat, especially mse birthday aisar.. aku bwat prank kne kn die.. rmai yg aku tarik utk involve skali, poor guy, kne torture mentally for a week.. huhu… I thought it will make us closer, but tgk2 aisar was a bit shocked with what I did.. so sorry for that bro, never thought of that coming.. menyesal pun ad, tp nk wat cne, just hope that u forgive me n it gives u memory which make u unable to forget us, or me to be specific.. huhu.. I did all of that for good sbnrnye.. hope u understand..
Aiman.. my roommate.. haha.. mule2 awkward gak ngan die ni.. jenis yg xkish dunia nk terbalik pun xpe, jnji xkco hidup die.. kdg2 klu kco hidup die pun die xkish.. ad gak manusia seHAVOC die ni kn.. tp dlm keHAVOCan die ni, die jenis yang setia, utuh pd relationship.. whenever I got problem, he came to me and asked.. plus, he is one of my colleagues in ORBIC (organisasi bahas intec).. sgt rjin buat kerja, a very good leader and very good follower.. Pnh minx die bwat ini and itu, jrg sekali die bangkang, n hasil kerja die sgt bgus.. mcm Hari Induksi Orbic, we managed to settle sume dlm sehari je.. haha.. die pun teman borak smpai pagi buta.. kcian tol lh dorg ni dpt roomy like me who talks a lot.. huhu.. sorry for that.. but seriously, xpnh nyesal knl korg, even though kdg2 rse mcm sush nk blend in ngan korg, but korg xkish with my existence.. Aiman, serious, gonna miss u man ble ko dh fly Ireland nnt, u r just simply one of the best I have ever met..
Mad.. I knew him since the 1st semester, tp mcm2 tu je lah.. we met at the stadium, when I know die jual prepaid pny reload.. and then a few days later, he sat beside me in the bus and we talked.. bru tau die bdk saser, bla bla bla, sume2 cliché pny perbualan.. haha.. u know what I mean.. never thought he can got close to me, until mse raya, he came to my house.. itu satu, then kiteorg hangout rmai2 kat KL, n die tny, “wan, aku tido umah ko mlm ni bleh, sbb sowk aku nk prgi umah kwn aku”.. so I called my mom, n she said no prob.. oleh itu, haha, I let him stayed in my house for a night.. fyi, he is the 1st fren from intec who stayed at my house and he is the one yg plg bnyk dtg my house.. kire2 mayb ad lah dlm 10 kali.. mayb lebih.. im fine with dat, mule2 mmg lh janggal, becoz I dunno him much, but from time to time, kiteorg chat and got to know each other, n here we are, housemate dh.. hehe.. he is freaking damn friendly.. mse mula2 knl tu, rse mcm dh 10 tahun knl.. especially when he talked to my family, as if he knows my family dh lme giler.. bleh byg x, he woke up during subuh, then die prgi dapur, nmpk my mom ngah masak n trus tny, “mak cik, ad nk tolong masak x?” haha.. I was there, and what can I do was only laugh.. im going to india with him.. he is now my besty, talk to him about everything, even kdg2 mlm, we chat until xsedar dh subuh.. mad is every1’s fav.. kdg2 rse mcm layak ke nk ngaku die besty, sbb rmai je yg close to him.. the answer is only with him J
Ma’am.. haha.. that’s what my frens have been calling Aida.. simply a girl I just got to know this semester.. 1st semester, xknl org, 2nd sem, bru start knl org including aida tp knl2 mcm tu lah.. 3rd sem bru start rapat.. thxs to orbic yg sdkit sbnyk merapatkan aku dgn rmai org.. When I started to know her, I thought she is another girl yg giler2 kind.. ala faham2 lh kn.. tp lame2 knl, she is different from what I thought.. she is there whenever I need someone to talk to.. n when I am sad, she is there to make me laugh.. together with her fren fuzah, leh giler kepala otak.. haha.. they are frens to a fren of mine, Ain Nabilah.. xpnh sgka, org yg slalu jd music background when Ain called me, rupenye2 fuzah n aida yg dh pun rapat ngan aku skrg ni.. ble dh rapat, org pun start lh scandal kn, biaselh tu.. klu deny, mkin menjd2, so diam2 jelah.. plus, me n aida never bother pun org nk ckp pe.. we did nothing wrong, n msing2 ok je ngan life skrg.. at least when I need a girl’s opinion, aida is there for me.. kn aida? Hehe.. sorry for all the mistakes I have ever done.. n hrp ur 1st impression towards ne tu dh hilg, sbb that was totally not right.. haha.. syukur of knowing u da, insyaAllah pershbtn dilindungi Allah S.W.T.
A lot of things happen this semester.. Semester ni bnyk mengajar aku erti persahabatan.. dan juga, what I learnt is, we cant count on ppl too much.. sometimes, kite hny boleh depends on ourselves sbb org yg kite sgka akan ad utk kite will not be there pun.. bkn nak kate we hav to live alone, no, but we hav to prepare ourselves that ad possibilities yg we hav to stand by our own utk keadaan trtntu.. n percaya mne pun kite kat someone, there should be 1 perasaan berjaga-jaga dlm diri kite to prepare for fight-or-flight situation.. mayb org yg kite prcya tu betray kite, so dgn perasaan berjaga-jaga tu lah yg akn make us live and grow stronger.. papepun, hargai friendship becoz friendship yg baik tu xkn dtg slalu, ble mse trtntu je Allah akan kurniakn dkat kite, kite je yg xsdar shingga kdg2 kite trlupa yg prbuatan kite melukakan hati rakan kite.. smpailah kwn kite tu dh xd, bru kite nk nyesal.. by that time, don’t u think it is just a little too late? Xlupe, just be ourselves. Sbb pe, I can say this sem, aku byk cube utk mnjd org lain utk puaskn hati sesetgh pihak.. tp dlm cuti2 ni trfkir plak, if mmg dorg kwn yg baik, they can accept me for what I am.. yg baik tu kekalkn, yg bruk tu dijdkn teladan, but if org still xleh trima kite mcm tu, back off je, we don’t need org yg xpndai nk hrgai org lain in our life.. they only amek kesempatan ke ats kite and ble kite sush, die xde pun for us.. ppl like that, watch out je.. J apa2 pun, to my new housemates, u guys are simply the best.. miss u guys already..
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A new start of 3rd Semester
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Imported from FB
harini dh 11 jun.. lagi 23 hari, sy akan mulakn hidup baru sebagai seorang mahasiswa di INTEC Shah Alam.. thxs to JPA yg memberi biasiswa kepda sy, it means a lot to me.. insyaAllah, pas hbs Alevel kat intec tu, fly lew ke india bwat medic.. n jd doctor pastu.. (ade sape2 sgka x? haha).. klu xdpt JPA ni, mayb sy dh ade kat UTP dh.. doing chem engineering yg mcm sush je.. haha.. owh yea, n thxs gak kpd parents yg xptus support, semangat, nasihat, sume2 lh, without dorg, sy xd pun kat dunia ni kn.. luv u dad n mom <3
to all my family members, my sis, my bro, my frens out there, u guys are the reasons why im still smiling while writing this.. haha.. u guys have lighten up my life.. luv all of u too..
sedar x sedar, dh dkat 7 buln dh hbs sekolah.. seriously, time xd bnda nk wat kn, mmg teringt time dlu2 kat skul.. haha, dlu mse skolah, sbuk nk cpt kuar, skrg dh kuar, nk msuk blk plak.. adoiyai.. but itulh realiti manusia.. sush ckit nk bersyukur kn.. ble dh xd, bru lh terasa.. why ek rindu sekolah? owh becoz pnuh ngan aktiviti, frens selalu dpn mata sume.. juniors plak yg selalu bwat kite gelak kn, it was fun!
let me share my life during f5 to all of u.. time 1st day f5, i was so excited. yelh, senior year, pastu last year kat skul plak kan.. ape2 pun, SPM mmg hantu lh mse tu.. sblum bwat pape, tu jelh pkir dlu.. tp pkir je, haha, still, im shazwan, yg suke giler msuk tu msuk ni, aktif koko.. so i entered again bahas.. my target was not really high back then.. however, we managed to get into final.. kalah jgk kat teknik, but still bg tentangan hebat, n dpt rampas takhta pembahas terbaik drpd dorg, mmg penglmn plg best dlm hidup! huhu.. nthen, psl pengws plak.. sorry lh ye sume pengws smkzr1 yg bce ni, sbb sy n sekutu2 sy mgkn pnh berkeras ngan korg.. pnh lh dgr jgk people called me dictator lh, gila kuase lh, n bynk lh lg pggilan, but i never care, becoz i was doing the best for the board n the school.. bnyk bnda yg perlu diubah pengws ni, i tried my best, n adelh perubhn yg dibwat.. format, kertas kerja, aktiviti, bilangan yg dpt dikurgkn, jalinan kerjasama ngan pengws skolah lain, bnyk lh lg.. puas hati, tp setahun xckup nk ubah semuanya.. terpulglh kpd kp2 slps sy utk uruskn, as long as, sy n geng2 sy, ( pengws f5 2009) dh cube yg terbek utk skolah n pengws. lg2 kawad.. haha.. johan kawad sukan sekolah 2009, sape sgka? hehe.. pun antara kejayaan terbaek pnh sy kecapi.. thxs to all prefects yg terlibat scara lgsung n xlgsung! :)
tokoh pelajar.. another success that i achieved in my life.. jujur, xpnh terlintas dlm fikirn nk dpt title ni.. tetibe dlm buln 9 kowt, somebody told me about the award n im one of the nominees.. trkjut lh kn.. menghrplh jgk :p, sbb sepnjg skul tu ditubuhkn selama 20 tahun, hny ade 3 org yg berjaya dpt anugerah tertggi sekolah ni.. sape xnk.. haha.. tp klu xdpt xkish, maybe ade yg lbih layak.. cite xhbs setakat dpt tau dicalonkan tau.. haha.. beberapa hari pastu, dpt tau yg satu bilik guru hboh about a pic of mine n my frens yg tgh swimming.. kontroversi panas.. haha.. a lot of teachers came to me, n told me how disappointed were they because dorg xsgka sy akan bergmbr mcm tu.. i dunno, for me the pic biase je, i was shirtless n pkai suar yg tutup lutut, but still short lh.. that is me, sy xnk berpura2.. tp maybe sy silap ngan penampilan mcm tu, so i apologized to the teachers.. sincerely, minx maaf sgt3.. dorg msti terkejut KP sekolah mcm tu.. huhu.. well, that is me.. but thxs for teguring me.. its their job to make sure their students xterjebak dlm bnda2 xelok, therefore, i appreciate those advises, thxs a lot teachers..
they still awarded me the title "tokoh pelajar".. to cik lee and pn noris especially, u made all of this happened.. tq so much.. xterbalas jasamu atas segala tunjuk ajar n pertolgn yg dh dihulurkn.. tq again.. :)
SPM.. menakutkan, tol x? time trial, still main2.. haha.. tp time result kuar, sbuk tuntut markah ngan cikgu.. ade je xpuas hati.. kwn2 n cikgu2 yg knl sy tu, phm2 jelh ye sy ni jenis yg mcm mane.. haha.. trial? oklah.. 10A, tp bkn gempak mane pun.. add maths menjd subjek terendah time tu, 65.. cik lee btol2 tried to push me up so that dpt capai hers n my target.. die bwk sy ke sane ke sini, ngan sume negeri pny trial die bg bwat, she did a lot, her works sgt2 sy kagumi.. tnpa die, sy xkn dpt a add maths.. she is a great teacher.. CIK LEE, GURU TERBAIK ADD MATHS! :)
Chemistry, my fav subjek, cikgu sham ajar.. haha.. cikgu ni pun, rajin yg teramat, selalu berebut ngan cik le nk bwat kelas tmbhn time cuti.. haha.. kelakar, n he is the reason juga sy ke kelas nadi.. haha.. but, sumenye berbaloi.. atas usahanya, Alhamdullillah, sy dpt keputsn yg sy impikan.. thxs CIKGU SHAM! BEST IN CHEMISTRY!
Ustazah nazirah plak, haha, sorry sbb suke tny soalan yg nth ape2 dlm kelas.. msti penat die nk jwb sume soalan tu, tp die xpnh xjwb.. die sgt3 cool.. i like the way she treated her students.. Ustazah, thxs for all the knowledge u gave to me.. USTAZAH NAZIRAH, syukran!
CIKGU NORIS AND PN SABSAH, guru2 bahasa.. best! haha.. xpnh bosan ngan kelas dorg... selalu debate ngan teacher dlm sesetengah isu.. smpai hw xsiap.. hehe.. puan sabsah plak, ayat die pedas kdg2 tu, but sgt3 memberi semangat n dorongan.. THXS ALOT!
PUAN RUHANA, cikgu sejarah yg ade cubitan yg sgt berbisa.. selalu kene.. haha.. sbb xbwat ulang kaji, n ble die tny soalan, xtau jwb.. biaselh tu kn.. hehe..
CIK ZAIMAH N PN EYUSNI, selalu mencuba yg terbaik 4 the studnts.. PN NORLIZA, maths menjd sgt kelakar because of u! hehe.. tq also for that.. PN NOORAINI, cikgu EST terakhir di smkzr1.. jasamu akan dikenang..
because of these teachers, i scored straight a's in spm, 7A+, 1A, n 2A-.. u guys really did a lot, tq sooooo much! sy doakan yg terbaik utk cikgu2 sume, semoga mendpt cahaya hidup dunia akhirat, insyaAllah..
my frens (ag2 yg duk sblh sy dlm kelas, yg duk dpn, kiri kanan lh, sng cite, sume lah).. bnyk sgt nk sbut.. so xyah sbut lh name ek, korg tau lh sape.. sume nye terbaik WOK! huhu.. bwat aku gelak, ketawa, nangis, marah, sedih, biase lh tu, sush senang bersama.. tq so much.. i will never 4get u guys.. yg dh memberi satu kenangan yg ckup manis dlm hidup ni.. owh yea, memori g penag, terbaik! xkn pnh lupa.. so, yg mane yg dh smbung bljr tu, gudluck, hrp friendship kita xkn pudar.. My bro, Am.. tq so much 4 everything.. support especially.. :) u r the best
bnyk bnda sbrnye nk tulis.. tp smlm xkn ckup.. ni pun dh kul 3 pagi.. haha.. smpai cni jelh.. nnt smbung ag ble ade mse.. papepun, smkzr1 n warganya terbaik! skolah lh kat skolah asrama penuh ke, skolah kluster ke pe ke, smkzr1 is still the best for me! juniors, nnt sy taip psl korg plak.. bwat mse ni, ni jelh bwat tatapan sume.. bersambung kemudian hari.. salam.. :)
Batch sy (f5 2009) boleh dikatakn batch yg aktif.. Bkn nk bgga diri, but kiteorg lh yg bnyk giler msuk itu n ini.. Im so proud with all of us, sbb most of us dh brjaya membuka mata sekolah2 lain yg smkzr1 is much better than them in many ways.. biarlh dorg nk kate pe pun, but action speaks louder than word.. Thats for sure.. My juniors adalh hrpn sy utk truskn momentum yg kiteorg dh hasilkn.. Baik dr segi akademik n koko.. Kite kaji f5 taun ni..
Jag.. Haha.. sorg yg sgt2 peramah, n sgt2 "dewasa", i can say that, n all of u who know him what i mean.. No offence jag.. Haha.. Damn genius.. U just hav to show to all of us that u can do it mse spm, mayb for u xd mslh kowt.. Haha.. cume jag, sincerely speaking, u need to apologize to many of my frens, especially zuhaili yg smpai skrg still xpuas hati ngan u.. Hehe
Sheik, pun sorg ag.. Die ngan phua, hrpn skolh.. giler kentang, diagnostik dorg pny mrkh, superb lh.. Keep it up, u hav my support, gudluck in ur future k? Anyway, sheikh, where r all ur fats? :p
Khusairy.. :) xperlulh cite pnjg psl dak ni.. happy go lucky guy, just hav to be calm, nnt adelh pompan special yg hadir dlm hidupmu.. :p
Iqbal, sorry.. Huhu.. just hope u get what u wish, n semoga berjya dlm ape jua yg diceburi..
Ros, pinat, awin n geng2 terhormat dorg ni, xperlu sy sbut sume, haha, korg pun dh bnyk kenangan ngan sy, ampun jelh ye klu ade slh n silap.. Awin, sorry xdpt hntr ke sentul.. :p
Pawah.. It was a past.. Haha.. let bygone be bygone.. Hope u get what u want in ur life.. Alrite? Xnk lh tulis pnjg2.. Haha.. Yg tau tu tau lh..
Ameer syazwan, uuuu, sexy boy.. Haha.. Bru je kenal bdk ni sbnrnye, but he is funny, love to talk with him, maybe sekepala kowt.. Doa abg, semoga dpt macbook yg diimpi2kn tu ye.. P.s, kasut dh jual blum? Ade yg dh bli? :p
Nazi, fana, alia, hanna n d gang, dorg ni kn, haha, sush lh nk ckp.. dorg sbnrnye klkr, ag2 fana tu, huhu.. tp time touching, fuh, dhsyat, yelh pompan kn..:p guro2.. Penglmn yg abg peroleh dgn korg ag2 time kwad xkn abg lupa.. Kawad 2009 akn sentiasa menjd kenangan.. Thxs for that, n all d best for pmr..
Jason, habee, huhu.. Ingt ag dlu, korg xske sgt ngan kiteorg.. Komplen je, nthen, xpuas hati ngan kiteorg.. But lme2, korg mule knl kiteorg, n kiteorg xmcm pe yg korg sgka kn? Ha, see.. Sy pelik tau, sbb rmai yg cop sy ni smbong.. Yg ag pelik tu, azre pun dicop sombong.. Dhsyat.. korg dh knl kiteorg bru korg tau kiteorg cene kn? Hehe.. So biarlh, cite lame.. Gpun, korg antara pengws yg rjin.. Keep it up! :)
Olan.. Syasya.. Kp n pkp skolah.. Sorry klu ade menyushkn korg, tp korg leh bwat better that kiteorg.. Just trust in urself, n u guys can do it.. Alrite?
aziera, :) calm down, enjoy ur life, n sbr bnyk2 k? Selalu doa, minx yg terbek drpd tuhan.. Pemergian ayah iera mgkn sbb tuhan lebih sygkn die.. Kiteorg sume doakn yg terbek.. InsyaAllah..
Mira.. Hehe.. Dlu time die pggl sy kn, sy pnh trfkir, eh sape minah ni? Haha.. Yelh, sorg yg periang, dr jauh dh pggl "HYE ABG SHAZWAN!!" satu sekolah leh dgr.. But there she is, haha..
Bnyk sgt r juniors.. Xleh nk tulis sume, xterdaya.. Sape yg sy xtulis tu, bkn sy xingt korg, tp korg terlalu unik utk diungkapkn.. Haha.. Dun worry, korg still dlm ingtn.. Alrite?
Last but not least, my bro.. Am yg kini berada di kampung.. Jom tgk wyg ag! Haha.. Haaaiii, sorg yg permah n baik.. Always there for me.. Mse gdoh ngan gf dlu pun, die ade utk sy luahkn kegeraman sy.. Bkn itu je, i just feel so easy to talk to him.. Hrp am bwat yg terbek dlm spm, n dpt ape yg am impikn.. Dun worry, epic! Hehe..
Bwat mse ni tu jelh.. Sape2 junior yg nk sy tulis kish korg, jgnlh malu2 utk inform me.. InsyaAllah, ill write about u.. Thts all for now.. Assalamualaikum..
Form 4
Januari 2008, i found it a bit hard to suit myself in upper secondary.. subjek semakin sush.. when i looked at add maths for the 1st time, i was like, hey, what the heck was that all about? huuhuu.. objektif plak semakin ckit, subjektif n esei menjelma.. i was worried if i failed the first test in any of the subjects, but luckily, with all my frens n teachers helped, i didnt fail.. i was glad, n was happy with my achievement.. tp ape org kate f4 honeymoon year, i didnt really agree with that.. haha
Februari 2008, sy dpt tawaran ke STAR.. hepi gler, mak bapak pun sme, well, who wont? plus, im the eldest in my family, so for sure my parents was happy.. however, i was not sure whether to go or turn down the offer.. i didnt want to leave the school.. mak bpk plak, mule2 swuh g, tp lme2, dorg pun confuse... dan akhirnya, keptusannya, i stayed, haha.. n alhamdulillah, risiko yg sy ambil memberi pulgn kpd sy.. ramai yg pertikaikan my decision, but hey, i proved to them yg skolah biase pun leh berjaya score straight dlm spm.. n alhamdulillah jgk, sy berjaya dpt JPA.. thxs to SMKZR1.. (xyah r ckp psl ni, dh ckp dlm 1st note, huhu)
Mac 2008, memandangkan sy x g asrama, plak tuh, taun ni bkn taun exam, i really pushed myself to get involved in koko.. Pnylah bnyk pertndgn luar sekolah that i went, didnt enter the class almost 2 mothns if im not mistaken. Rmai cikgu yg dh mrh, tp nak wat cene, minat sy yg mendalam membuatkan aku terus bergiat aktif, hehe, demi menaikkan sekolah, i was willing to do anything.. hehe.. yg plg best, mestilah bahas ala parlimen.. ape2 pun, we lost this year to SMK Puteri Wilayah, atas alasan hakim, isi tidak kukuh.. other schools used the same points as we did, but they won! i was quite upset, but its ok, berjaya memebalas dndam mse f5.. hehe
April 2008, kem pengawas.. not much to tell about this.. but this camp really changed my life a lot.. haha.. for those yg tau cite, bguslh.. :)
Mei 2008, my birthday.. xingt sgt lh pe jd.. but i invited almost 20 ppl, yg dtg lebih kuang 6 je kowt.. haha.. xpelh.. for those yg hadir, tq..
Jun 2008-31Ogos 2008, ha, tempoh ni.. haha.. pun another momentos in my life.. <3.. hehe.. tp pkir2 skrg kn, my action was a bit childish.. mgkn kecik ag kowt, bru f4 kn.. lol
September 2008, pose.. haha, time nilah i moved to a new house.. punyalah mcm nak maut, huhu, brg pnylah bnyk nak angkat, dgn pose lg, mmg menguji keimanan tol.. tp Alhamdulillah, setelah skian lme menunggu, akhirmya, dpt jgk pndh.. thxs kpd sume yg telah menolong, sekalung penghargaan untuk anda sume...
Oktober 2008, raya.. duit mkin ckit, since dh semakin tua kn.. xdpt bnyk lh.. huhu
anyway, this is the only part of f4 that i remember.. haha.. ade sape2 nk tmbh, u can add by commenting this note.. really appreciate it.. n yea, this year bnyk up n down.. not as gud as f5, but it taught me how to be more mature in solving difficulties of life.. thxs to all.. :)
January - March 2010
12.40pm.. It’s the end of another year, again.. And a few days from today, ill be in intec again for my 2nd sem.. how fast the time flies, isn’t it? Anyway, here comes another note.. I enjoy writing so much, and that explains y I love English and BM the most compared to other subjects.. hehe.. okok, enough with all this nonsense and come back to the main reason or purpose of me writing this note.. here goes..
January.. hey, no more school.. haha.. I was enjoying myself like hell.. yalah, I don’t hav to wake up early to walk to school, dun hav to think about homework, u know, all the things that we did during school are over.. a few weeks after spm, I stayed at home, spent my time hanging out with my frens, u know, stuff that we can’t do if we r students.. hehe.. but, day by day, my wallet started to worn out.. so I thought of going to work and earned my own money.. so, pizza san Francisco was the place.. I was a waiter by the way.. what I did were taking people order, mopped the whole floor, cleaned up the toilet, etc.. credit to kak yaya, abg madi, sal n makcik liza yg xhbs2 gelak time kerja.. haha, I remembered one time, we planned to watch Adnan Sempit by 12am, since the kedai supposed to close by 11pm.. but that day, giler rmai org, 11.30pm pun still got a lot of customers.. haha.. kak yaya n liza dh siap dh, pkai bju mcm datin2 dh pun, but still hav to work.. cleaned up all the messes.. smpai2 dh 12.30.. but it was fun.. kene mrh ngan customer lah plg best, mcm nk pelangkong je kpla dorg smpai botak.. huhu.. anyway, I only worked there for a month, then, i quit.. :p
February.. remember I mentioned that I quit? Haha. It was not becoz I was tired with the job or what, but I received an offer from my ex-primary school, SJK(C) Mun Yee.. before this, I was a student in the school, pkai suar pendek, lari2 main kejar2, yelah, skul rendah, but this year, I entered the school again, but as a teacher! Haha.. guru ganti.. I taught standard 4 and 5 BM and seni.. Bm was fine lh, but seni? Haha.. some of the students were better than me kowt! Owh yea, the students.. haha.. some of them sgt2 cute, n questions yg kdg2 dorg tny made me laugh, x lupa jgk a few of them yg, Ya Allah, Tuhan sahaja yg maha mengetahui betapa degilnya dorg.. after school hour, there will be extra classes.. I was not asked to teach for the extra classes, but sometimes, a few senior teachers could not make it, so I was asked to replace them.. yg ni best.. becoz for the extra classes, most of the time, I entered 6M, the most excellent class in the school.. they are geniuses.. I asked them about things that I learned during F5 pun dorg can solve.. not all lah, but hey, they are standard 6.. superb lah kn.. owh yea, forgot to mention, I got extra pay if I attend the extra classes.. hehe.. the extra classes finished by 3.30.. then, I had to rush to sri rmpai becoz, ehem, hehe, I was a teacher, or rather a tutor at a tuition centre also.. I taught chemistry, add maths n maths for F4.. these are how I earned my money to support my living.. :p
March.. the climax.. SPM result.. I cant remember the exact date, but the result was released on this month.. and I got to know the result one day earlier, since my dad is working in Jabtan Pljrn KL.. I was at my working place, checking my students homework.. and suddenly, my dad called.. I was shivering, seriously.. ble jwb je phone call tu, my dad said that the result still in the process ape nth.. nnt dlu.. so I hav to wait again lah.. 2 hours later, my dad’s name was on my hp screen again.. I answered.. (moment of silence for like, 5, 6 minutes I guess).. THADA, the result, dh tau! Hehe.. was not my expectation anyway.. 7A+, 1A and 2A-.. my A- were physics and est.. a bit disappointed becoz of these A-, but, yea, at least I got straight A’s.. I tried to get straight A’s for UPSR and PMR, but I couldn’t.. 5A1B1C UPSR, 8A1B PMR.. SPM? Alhamdulillah, I did it.. after knowing the result, I couldn’t enter the class untuk mengajar, excited pny psl.. huhu.. what I did, msuk class, bg homework, n senyum sorg2 kat meja.. student pndg pun smcm je.. haha.. dun care, that day was my day dude! Esknya, I went to school to take my slip secara official.. berlakon lah jap, acting like I dunno anything.. tiba2, when Cikgu Bad announced nama2 students, I was shocked, sbb I was the best student of the school (based on the number of A+).. happy tahap maksima! My mom was there, and my dad was on her phone.. she was looking at me, and talking something to my dad.. and I was so proud to see her face smiling.. this is for u mom and dad! Without them, I couldn’t even be in this world.. n to all teachers, thxs to all of u too for making this happen.. my frens, especially 5BEST2009, my family, my sis, my bro, ILHAM MULYA, this is also for all of u.. thxs for supporting me.. thxs for being there in my life.. :’-)
-to be continued-
April, May and June 2010
Lets finish up what I have started..
April.. I quit my job.. again.. hehe, but this time is becoz, I was so bz applying for scholarships, university, colleges, well, that was what I supposed to do, isn’t it? I applied for petronas sponsorship, JPA scholarship, Honda, Khazanah, so on and so forth. Lets talk about petronas 1st.. huhu.. I applied, n luckily, I was shortlisted, so they called me to attend Educamp in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). They actually picked the “right” students from the camp.. I met my friend, ATA, there.. He is almost like me, I mean, we share common characteristics.. he was a debater, I was a debater, he loves to talk, same here.. hehe.. if he studied in SMK Zon R1 Wangsa Maju, for sure he will be my best fren.. haha.. great knowing u man.. Lets talk about the camp again.. to all my juniors, after spm, plz dun 4get everythinh that u hav learned, becoz if u wanna apply for sponsorship or scholarship like petronas, they will ask u or test u things that u learned during f4 n f5.. That happened to me.. my brain cant function properly when I was tested with chem and phy questions.. I almost 4got everything I learned.. haha.. that was the 1st part.. the 2nd part will be the interview session.. they asked me about drugs.. lets not talk about this, It was kinda boring.. huhu.. JPA! The scholarship that I wish to get ever since I was a child.. I got so excited when anyone talk about it. Anyway, I applied for it, n I was called to attend Pendedahan Kerjaya Seorang Doktor in HKL.. u know what we did there? Well, we went to dffrnt department, learned about a lot of new things.. Owh yea, the doctor took us to the forensic unit as well, where they do postmortem (dead body).. When I was there, I was lucky (bleh la) becoz there were 2 dead bodies getting ready to be examined.. the 1st one was a child.. poor kid, child abuse I guess, I can see a lot of bruises around his body.. the 2nd one was a woman, well, she died after a few months of labour.. the doctor let us watched the whole process.. so cool I was able to watch it, experience.. then, a few weeks later, they called me again for the interview session in Putrajaya.. haha.. we (5 candidates) entered a small room, where 2 interviewers were sitting there waiting for us.. at first, they asked us to introduce ourselves in BM.. then, they started to ask about cancer, health insurance, stuffs like that, this time, evrthing should be in english.. I dunno how I performed.. I was really hoping that they will choose me..
May.. lets talk about my birthday 1st.. for a week, I felt sumthing strange.. my frens were staying away from me.. my bro was not as usual as well.. things were really2 weird.. then, ain called me, n she said she was planning to celebrate my birthday at KLCC, and a lot of ppl were invited.. when we were at KLCC, things were still awkward.. they didn’t talk to me much.. like I was not there.. especially Abg Nashriq.. after watching movie, they accompanied me back.. before reaching my house, I remembered merwin told me that abg nashriq was planning sumthin n I should be careful.. so I lied to them by saying that my parents were going to pick me up.. haha, but, It didn’t work.. what happened was, they threw to me a packet of flour! N I was wearing a black shirt at that time.. imagine how “WHITE” I was that time.. huhu.. n I got to know that the whole not-to-talk-to-shazwan thing was just a plan to kacau me.. huhu.. seriously guys, don’t ever do that again! Thx to my bro as well since he prepared 2 cards for me, one full with wishes and signatures from half of the students in the school, and another one wishes from himself.. it was really meaningful.. tq.. :-) ok, enough with the birthday thing, lets talk about other stuffs.. owh yea, I was not selected by petronas, but they gave me a place in UTP as a private student, meaning that I hav to pay everything by myself.. a semester, almost 7000 tu.. huhu.. I received offers from Matriks Banting, Uitm Bukit Mertajam and a few IPTS, but since UTP is a big thing, so my parents said that I should go for it, and they were willing to pay all the fees.. so, I went to UTP.. one day before I went to UTP, my frens and my bro planned a party.. we enjoyed ourselves until mse nk balik tu.. Farewell.. huhu.. well, this is life.. setiap pertemuan msti ade perpisahan.. so sad.. huhu.. but, life must goes on.. when I reached UTP the next day, I found out that I was the only one that brought the least thing to UTP.. only 2 bags, a big and a small one.. others? Whoa.. some of them even brought 5 big bags.. haha.. I entered my room, n my roommate was already in the room.. his name is Jazli, from Penang.. we got to know each other, n yea, he was nice, we could get along well.. the 1st week in UTP was the orientation week, so everything was handled by the seniors.. some of them were nice, but there are a few of them yang…… phm2 jelah.. tough week, especially when it came to the discipline slot.. my mind was not really in UTP by that time actually.. I was thinking about JPA scholarship that was supposed to be announced on Friday, that week.. On Thursday, my frens in UTP noticed that my mind was to sumthing else.. they asked so I told them.. haha.. trust me, not only me yg mengharapkan JPA tu.. 1st, becoz i wish for that scholarship from kecik.. 2nd, if I stayed in UTP, my parents hav to spend a lot.. so I prayed, I prayed, and I prayed so that Allah will give me a chance to get what I wished for.. On Friday, mase smbhyg Jumaat, I texted all teachers, family, frens to pray for me as well.. giler desperate kn.. haha.. by 3.00 pm, my parents said that the JPA server was jammed.. not surprise, thousands of ppl were waiting for that day.. huhu.. by 4, I hav a talk about chem. Engineering.. there was no coverage in the room, so I made an excuse to go out.. haha.. I went out, and I called my parents again.. they said, the result still not out yet.. I did not enter thr lecture room, but I waited outside until my dad’s name appeared on the screen.. It was a msg from him, very simple, but very2 meaningful.. “shazwan dapat”.. I screamed, haha.. then, hp jd sibuk.. makcik pakcik ucap tahniah, my teachers, my frens, my sis, my bro pun.. rmai rupenye yg tlg checkkn my result.. haha.. thank u so much to all of u.. tgh giler2 luar lecture room, tau2 je talk tu dh hbs.. my frens kuar, n they saw me smiling smpai telinga.. so they knew lah ape dh jd, and they congratulate me as well.. the best day of my life.. the best birthday gift ever.. akhirnya, JPA yg kunantikan drpd kecil, menjadi kenyataan.. Alhamdulillah..
June.. I got out from UTP, and balik rumah semula.. so mksdnya, I was in UTP for only a week.. ok lah, at least I got the chance to see the most exclusive university in Malaysia.. nothing much happened in this month.. fifa world cup.. haha.. England lost, so I supported spain.. luckily they won.. for germany (ain) and Italy (am), tried lain kali ek.. hehe.. I watched the match Italy VS Slovakia (rsenye lah) kat kedai mamak with Ali, Abot and my bro.. poor am, Italy lost and mmg kene bahan hbs2 lah kn.. haha.. dh lah mlm tu mlm birthday die.. :p.. after the match, we went to sumwhere else.. I looked at my watch, n its already 12.00 am.. my bro was beside me, yet I texted him to wish him happy birthday.. haha.. the next day, I brought him to celebrate his birthday.. sorry lah klu kecil-kecilan jep.. just hope u enjoyed urself..